Today is the boys' first day back to school. I am NOT ready for school to begin and could use at least another 3 weeks of holidays. I dread this day every year and miss my kids incredibly! I think that calls for a morning of shopping...just for a distraction! ;)
Morgun was excited and couldn't wait to begin grade 4. His teacher is Ms. Bodnar...remember her from a few years back? She is honestly the best teacher any child could ever have! Morgun is looking forward to being in her class.
Alex on the other hand was nervous and anxious. He did not know who his teacher would be because there are 2 grade 6 classes. He really wanted a particular teacher. When we found his class and he realized who his teacher was, his face fell...I could have cried! His teacher is an awesome teacher and will be good for him, but he has had previous negative experiences with her and bases his opinion of her on that...not good! I have been praying that Alex will have an awesome year. Hopefully the bullying will be a thing of the past...