Thursday, September 17, 2009


Malia has learned a new word and loves to use it! Yucky! We finally served her something she didn't like! I know I sound excited, but its good to know there is at least one thing she will not eat. She doesn't like Wheat and Bran Shreddies. I know thats an "old people" food, but its still great that she doesn't like it! Not even with extra sugar added! In the past weeks Malia has also gotten fussier with what she wants to eat. She likes almost everything, but will pick breads over fruits and veggies. She becomes upset if we make her eat her fruits and veggies before she can eat other things. It helps to have the motivator " you can't eat this until you finish your veggies".
She has also been sleeping better this past week, which is awesome! She just went through a period of getting up frequently to go pee. I love sleep!

1 comment:

Paige said...

I love sleep too! You just function so much better when rested. I am glad things are getting more settled.