Saturday, May 21, 2011

Mandie and Justin's Wedding

Mandie and Justin's wedding was today.  Mandie is my niece and Justin is a former student and they make the perfect couple.  They are VERY young...18 and 19...much too young in my opinion (but then I was much too young when I got married as well!).  In spite of their youth, I'm sure they will do well.  Both love God and are committed.  For that I am grateful...otherwise I would worry! 
I only took a few pictures of the happy couple...I got carried away visiting with former colleague.  I did manage to take a few shots of the girls and we even had family pictures taken, although only a few, due to the HUGE number of mosquito's!

It is hard to believe that 20 years ago we were planning our wedding.  Considering it has been that long...I think we've aged fairly well!  ;)  I just won't compare these photos to our wedding pictures!  Now that would be scary!!!


Paige said...

We were 19 when we got married and I don't regret anything about it! We are also celebrating our 20th this year... time flies and there is nothing like spending all these years with a person that we love more than anything!

Love the family photo!

Marie said...

I agree Paige, when you meet the right person you just matter how young.
Kathy, the only other pics I have are very similar to this one...I didn't even get a full length shot of her dress...sorry!