Saturday, March 29, 2014


After my last "heavy" post, I think it's time for some super cute pictures of my most adorable (apparently I can NOT say this...Morgun has an issue with it!!  LOL!) son!  Recently Rachel, over at took some fantastic photos of Jackson. I wanted some photos to remember all of his cute 2 year old self...those toes, the pudgy cheeks, little fingers, dimples...the little things that we want to remember and that we only get to enjoy for such a short time.  I try not to live my life regretting never seeing him in his first 2 1/2 years of life.  However, I still do grieve this loss.  How could I not?!?  We missed out on some of the most important developmental stages of his life!  Having said that...for the most part I focus on the present and enjoy every moment we have with him!
Rachel did not disappoint!  I had a difficult time narrowing down which photos to post.  Here are a few of our favorites! 

My sister Kathy made this adorable sock monkey for Jackson.  It is the sweetest sock monkey I have ever seen!  His tail goes on and on and on...he is perfect!

Love those dimples!  They melt my heart every time! 

Jackson is slowly beginning to talk in 2 or 3 word sentences, although most of what he says is still very difficult to understand.  The more we enunciate our words while he is looking at us, the clearer his words become. We have an appointment with his ENT coming up  the second week of April.  We're hoping to have some more information and possibly the beginning of a plan in how to best help Jackson hear better.  Preliminary testing shows that Jackson is profoundly deaf in one ear and moderately deaf in the other.  This would explain his speech delay.  So far the options appear to be either an implanted bone conduction hearing device or a hearing aid type bone conductor.  Whatever the case may be, I am praying that Jackson will soon be able to hear better and that his language skills will improve.  His lack of language skills result in a lot of whining and crying...his best way of communicating at the moment...and it drives me nuts!!...but not for long!  He is usually very willing to show me his beautiful dimples when he is finally understood!  :)


Kathy said...

Love this kid. He is ADORABLE!! wish I could just squeeze him again...the dimples are awesome.
Willow keeps talking about having him over for a sleepover, so whenever you think that might work, we're ready. :)

Unknown said...

I'm so in love with him. Those dimples are so adorable.