Monday, December 19, 2011

If Santa Claus Were Real...

If Santa Claus were real I would have one request, and only one.  I would ask to once again spend Christmas day with my parents...just one day.  One day to once again experience all the things I took for granted.  The things that are forever etched into my memory.  To be able to walk into Mom and Dad's blue (remember how they loved everything blue??)house in Osler, into their kitchen that smells like ham, turkey, potatoes and everything yummy.  To see Mom hustle and bustle about her kitchen.  To watch Dad's eyes light up as he sees each of his grand kids.  To begin a meal with Dad clearing his throat, and everyone knowing it was time to pray.  To listen to Dad read the Christmas story.  To watch Mom lean forward as she listens to each grandchild recite their verse, or sing a song.  To watch Dad's eyes soften and watch his chest swell with pride that his kids love God and are teaching their kids about His love.  To watch Mom and Dad hand out the Christmas gifts wrapped in Mom's homemade gift bags.  To play a game or two and watch Dad win...or struggle to be a good sport.  I would give almost anything to have just one day to go back in time....

Instead...I will thank God for good memories... thank Him that my parents have the privilege of celebrating in must be spectacular!  I will celebrate with my family, make new memories, begin new traditions, and cherish each moment with my loved ones!...but in it all I will take a moment to remember, to cry, to treasure all I have been given...for now!

1 comment:

Paige said...

It is great to have these memories while you celebrate Christmas… someday you will all celebrate together again. Your parents sound wonderful and charming.