Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Nerf Gun Wars

I have to apologize to those of you getting sick of seeing pics of our vacation.  I post these for my family that live WAY TOO far helps the distance shrink!

Our boys loved having Nerf Gun wars and even convinced the big boys to join in.

First you load...

...then you sneak up on your opponent... if your opponent gets too close...

...aim and fire!

...and then take a break to come up with new strategies!


Kathy said...

Love it...I need some of those pics, I think I was inside feeding Bee at the time and never got any.
If only we could visit like once a month would be soooooo awesome.

Marie said...

That's why I posted these...thought you had missed out on the action. I would settle for once a month...miss you guys!