Wednesday, October 2, 2013

First Month Back to School

The first month of school has come and gone.  And I'm still alive to write about it!  lol!  What a busy month.  We began a week late due to a mix up with the boy's online classes and Malia's curriculum arriving late.  We've been trying to catch up all month...and we did!  So much so that the boys have already completed about 25 % of this years work! Malia has completed 40 days worth of school work.  I have decided I really need to relax...a LOT, and have more fun with my kids.  We are beginning to see the benefits of homeschooling, even as I mourn that which our kids are missing out on. 
In spite of this being a crazy month, our kids have been super happy.  There is a calm in the air that is unusual for this time of year.  A peace that has settled on our kids.  At the moment, I wouldn't trade it for the world!  Here are a few pics of what home schooling has looked like this month.
I did manage to get a quick shot of the kids on their first "official" day back to school.

The boys have taken their bows and arrows out almost every day.  Something they used to not have time for.  We're beginning to think it may be time to get a more serious bow for both boys.  (Sorry for the poor quality photos...someone dropped my lens and it's not working like it should)

Malia's been riding her bike a lot, showing off to her little siblings.  :)  Malia has been loving home schooling.  She was so angry when we first told her, because she knew she couldn't pull the wool over my eyes, and that I will make her redo her work every time it's not neat.  For the most part this has not been an issue.  She works incredibly hard and has the neatest printing ever.  Her letters are formed perfectly.  She's only had a few episodes where she has pretended she didn't know what to do.  I'm enjoying the opportunity to fill her love bucket and have been showering her with praise at every opportunity.  I think it is the beginning to true healing and bonding for this sweet girl of mine and it is beginning to show.
Recently Raina commented "Mom, you look so bootiful!" Something she says almost daily...I may end up with a swollen head! lol!  I responded by telling her how beautiful she was.  She didn't think she was beautiful because she was wearing old pjs.  I explained that beauty has nothing to with clothes, or hair, or jewelry; but rather that she was beautiful regardless of what she was wearing.  Malia piped up and said "Yah!  You're beautiful!  Just like me!  I have beautiful eyes, beautiful hair and my cleft lip is beautiful too!"

The boys are taking online classes, which means I do not have to plan or mark their work.  I help out when they need help and monitor to make sure their assignments are completed on time.  My biggest fear was the amount of time they would spend on the computer.  It turns out that they can easily finish a days work in a few hours.

Alex didn't want anyone to see what he was working on...

Each day the kids get a mid morning break...recess.  My sanity time!  :)  Morgun has been playing with the little ones a lot and their imaginations are on fire.  We simply HAD to eat lunch in the play fort one day. 

The boys were good sports and played along.  I think they actually really enjoyed themselves.  Honestly who wouldn't?  It was kind of cool!

At the moment the kids work in various the kitchen table or in the Lego room.  It drives me crazy having school stuff everywhere.  Hopefully the patio will be ready soon so we can move everything school related into there.

We've been enjoying weekly visits to the library, which usually means a day in town.  The kids are loving it!  We've even done some crafts.
Morgun has been playing Lego with the girls and they came up with this neat house...filled with detail.  The board on the left shows construction workers in the process of building a house.  Love their creativity!

The boys have spent hours and hours out in the garage making throwing knives.  They've each made several, improving on them each time.  Ahhh!  Makes me smile to see all the good that is coming with our decision to home school.

As much as I feel we had a great first month, there are things I want to improve upon.  I want to have more of a schedule.  We've been trying to start school at 9 am each day, have a 15-30 min recess and then be done school by noon.  Some days we've been successful, and the next, not so much.  I really need some sort of routine.  At the moment half of my craziness comes from not enough routine.  In the next months our goal will be to schedule in more free days to focus on the artsy and fun side of school.  I would also love to take one day a week off just to focus on all the housework, bookwork, etc.


Carla said...

Sound like homeschool suits your family so well! There is just a different pace, and a different lifestyle that goes with it. I love how much time they have just to be kids.. to grow, learn, explore, and create on their own.

Kathy said...

I don't know how you do it...during the kids sports seasons we have no time for fun, crafts, or even play seems we get home from practice, quickly do school, and then head off to the other ones practice...maybe once the season is over we too can enjoy the homeschool thing. but at the same time the kids do love their sports...guess it comes with a cost. I have been thinking of not doing the time consuming work during their soccer/xcountry season and that would slow things down a lot.
glad to hear you guys are doing so well.
makes me wonder if I should see if we could use our schools curriculum online...maybe that would cut down on my time being so busy.