Tuesday, September 14, 2010

First Day of Preschool

Today was Malia's first day at preschool.  She will be attending 2 days a week, afternoons only.  She was very excited and talked about it everyday for the past few days.  She was a little nervous and one day she came to me and said "Teddy doesn't want me to go to preschool."  I told her that her teddy could gladly join her.  She then went back to Teddy to reassure him that he could join her and all was well!  Malia insisted on wearing a dress and packing a notebook.  She settled in quickly. . .I only stayed for the first 15 minutes.  She had a great time and her teacher, bless her heart, understood almost everything Malia said.  What a sweet lady!  (Most people have difficulty understanding Malia and it is so nice when someone understands her) When we came home she walked in the door and said, "I have no homework today, Mom!" 

I, on the other hand, didn't fare so well!  I spent the first hour worrying and wanting to call the preschool to make sure Malia was OK.  I managed to distract myself by heading to town to run some errands.  My baby is growing up WAY too fast for my liking!

1 comment:

Paige said...

Look how cute she is! That first day is so hard, but it sounds like she did pretty good.

Soon you will be too busy to even think of it, when the new baby comes home!