Tuesday, December 21, 2010


Quiyang is a beautiful city.  1.3 million people live in downtown alone and the buzz of people and vehicles is constant.  The honking is continuous, even at night.  Even in Beijing the honking is not as loud.  I can only imagine how many deaths would occur in Canada if Canadians honked at each other like that.  There would definitely be an increase in road rage. lol!! There were only a few hours a day where it quieted down for a bit.
The city was smoggy, but not as bad as Beijing.  It had several rivers running through it with beautiful parks.  The weather was also lovely...about 10-15 degrees Celsius.

 The entrance to the underground WalMart.  It was similar to our WalMart, but also carried a large grocery section with fresh meats, which explained the stench.

 As we headed farther from the down town area, the homes became more primitive.  Every available plot of dirt was used to grow greens.

1 comment:

Paige said...

It looks very rural??? China is such a vast country with so much to see and learn...