Monday, December 20, 2010

She is Officially Ours!

Dec. 7, 2010
Raina officially became our daughter on Tuesday!  Here she is giving her stamp of approval.  There were many papers to sign and each signature required a thumb print.  Raina's hand print was also required.
Here we are with our guide Wendy.  She introduced herself as "Windy".  Not sure if we understood correctly, we asked "Wendy?"  to which she replied "No, Windy...W-e-n-d-y".  So for the remainder of our stay we called Wendy "Windy".  Too funny!

 Malia loves her little sister and is very proud to be a big sister and loves to help by getting diapers and anything else we need.  We were concerned as to how she would respond and so far everything has gone very smoothly.   Thank you Lord!!
I just had to let Raina wear the yellow outfit again today.  It smelled softly of wood smoke and we thought it must  be comforting to her.  I'm sure we must have smelled rather odd to her.
 Even though most Chinese do not celebrate Christmas the way we do, the hotel and every store was decorated for Christmas, but without any of the Nativity Scenes.  We walked into WalMart to "Silent Night".  Christmas is apparently just another reason for the young people to party and have a celebration.  It was wonderful to hear the Christmas music, but it took my awhile to realize something was missing...the Spirit of Christmas...Jesus Christ.  It makes me grateful to know that even though Canadians commercialize Christmas, we still have the Spirit of Christmas.  Most Canadians know and acknowledge the true meaning of Christmas and that is heart warming.
 Our sleeping angel!

1 comment:

Paige said...

She is so gorgeous! What an adjustment it must be to have a baby once again. Malia is a great big sister and I bet she is a big help!