Sunday, March 27, 2011

Raina: 16 Months

Our angel is 16 months old!  She is growing in leaps and bounds.  She likes to say "Mama", among other words, but for now I am her favorite!  I will treasure this status while I can!
Raina crawls around at a fast pace in spite of her cast and is constantly getting into things.  She loves my cookbooks, anything in the cupboards, and sometimes even her toys!  If Malia plays with Raina, she will stay in her playroom...that is how I manage to clean the house, etc. 
Raina can say many words, but generally chooses not to use words.  She can say, "Papa, puppy, nigh-nigh, bottle" and other words.  She is terrified and cries when the dog barks (Cheeko has made a full recovery).  She also cries when she is tired or hungry, but for the most part is a VERY happy little girl.  She likes to look at books and play with her little car,and any toy that makes noise.  Raina is becoming rather possessive and will not let Malia take toys away from her, which is a good thing!
Raina has wiggled her way into all of our hearts and is dotted on by all!  She is being spoiled, but in a good way.  Alex and Morgun generally don't fuss when asked to watch Raina (another opportunity for me to get household chores done), and love to play with her!
It is almost impossible to get a decent picture of Raina...she moves too quickly.  This time I put her on the couch and had much better success!  Here are some of my favorites!

 This is her goofy grin!  She'll use it with strangers or when she is being silly!

1 comment:

Paige said...

What a little cutie she is! Great photos too.