Tuesday, May 15, 2012

You Know He Love You When...

You know he loves you when he buys you the CD you love but he hates!  And he lets you listen to it without complaint!

Yup! That's my hubby!  I really love the song "Today I'm Gonna Try To Change The World" by Johnny Reid.  It is one of those songs that makes me stop and think.  It makes me reassess what I value.  It makes me look past the end of my own nose and see the hurts and needs of others.  It makes me want to try to change the world...at least my little corner of the world.  I may mess up many times, but for today this is my goal.

The irony of it all is that my kids are the ones that have changed my world.  They have taught me to be more patient, to more gentle and kind, to fight for what is right, and to get back up and try again when I fail...and to love unconditionally!

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