Friday, February 1, 2013

Surviving the Deep Freeze

This past week we've been sitting in a deep freeze as far as weather is concerned.  We did not expect the buses to run on Wednesday, but apparently the wind calmed down for the 2 minutes needed to record a temperature of less than -40.  By the time we rolled out of bed it was a chilly -43, but the kids still went to school.  Yesterday the buses did not run due to a temperature of -45!  We enjoyed a wonderful family day of pancakes, hot chocolate, making kielke and hanging out.
Believe it or not, this was my first time making kielke.  We had bought a noodle machine many years ago at a garage sale and had never used it.  Our first attempt at making noodles was a flop.  A quick phone call to my MIL confirmed that it could be our machine.  Martin picked up his mom's machine and it worked!  Yah!  Wasn't my incompetence at making the dough the right consistency!  :)
Our boys had a blast helping and were disappointed when I finished the last little bit.  I'm tickled to see my boys' love for cooking.  Not only because it's a good skill to learn, but it shows that they don't see cooking as the traditional role of women only.

I hung the noodles to dry the same way my mom always did...on a cleaned clothes rack.

The days that Morgun and Malia were in school, we did the regular school work...and one little cutie pretended to be studying Alex's Science!  lol
Alex and I each did one art project as well.  For those of you that are on Pinterest or follow me on Pinterest, this may look familiar.  It is my version of the "Be Still" canvas.

This is another idea we found on Pinterest.  It's very simple.  All Alex did was take scrapbooking letters, stick them on a canvas, finger paint, and then pulled off the letters.  This canvas should fit his bedroom decor once we get around to changing it...sometime this winter...hopefully!  Can you guess what he wants his room to look like?
I like the verse he picked.  It has such profound meaning and it is our prayer for him.


Paige said...

The paintings are great! And the noodles hanging on the drying rack remind me of my Oma and her home! Such precious memories!

Kathy said...

looks like you had fun making the noodles...not sure I would have been the brave. way to go.

You and Alex did an awesome job on the paintings. Love them!! I think it will be perfect for his new room.

Patrick and Christina said...

Love the noodles! I have never tried to create homemade noodles. It looks like fun!

The painting are GREAT! Talented bunch of folks...

Glad you made the most of the blistering cold day! We are hunkered down on those days too. Did you know that a few days ago SK had the same night time low as for thought! :)

J Willis said...

I love this - how fun to make noodles ;)
That painting is so unique (I love how it looks camo - I need one like that for my boys camo room ;)
